Here I am again. xD I've been doing quite a lot of storyline-based stuff so prepared for some spoilers! *.*
Thanks to some friends I finally finished my Dancer sub yay. :D It feels so good to have another sub done for my Samurai. ^-^
Did some more CoP solo stuff to get ready for the airship battle.
Poor Prishe. O.o"
Found this beautiful spot in Whitegate.
I did some exploring in the past and got lost in Vulkurn Inlet, such a beautiful but dangerous place...
Wonder why this place does not exist in the present anymore, I like it...
Octy decided to help me start the new ACP expansion so off we went! xD
The story seems interesting. O.o"
Found this silly NM while farming Goblins for the expansion storyline
My poor little adventuring fellow was stuck in the past, thank goodness I found him!
Wow the story just got a lot better. O.o
Octy helped me get all the way to the Fei'yin BCNM fight which I am ready for now, almost done with the expansion already, it's so short. :(
I've been wanting to try Puppetmaster for the longest time so I went and unlocked the job today.
Had to look for an old Automaton in these old ship wrecks crawling with Skeletons and Lamia, was nerve wrecking but also exciting. Thank goodness I have my dancer sub-job so I can just dance a bit and go invisible.xD
Aww someone abandoned the poor little guy here years and years ago.
The big 'ol Galka fixed the little guy!
Wee I got to name him, I'm a Puppetmaster now!
Meet my new friend everyone, Pamama the Automaton.
He even dances with me!!! *.*
Of course we had to go levelling, I'm enjoying the job sooo much.
Such a beautiful sunset.
Oh noes being a Puppetmaster is tricky, Pamama wanted to explode! @.@
I got my PUP to level 10 and had to come to a very sad conclusion. I love the job and would really want to take it further but it's not as easy as that. Getting the next frame will already cost over 30k. Then there are the basic attachments. Just buying the basic attachments the NPC in Nashmau sells will cost over 160k. Then there are also the other good attachments for your puppet in the AH that run from anything from 6-500k each. Not to mention you need Automaton Oils as well as gear and weapons for your own character.
It really makes me sad that this job is so insanely expensive, probably the most expensive one in-game if you want to do it properly (which I always try to do).
I don't wanna give up my new friend Pamama but at the moment I don't think I'll be able to continue since I need all the gil I can get for my Samurai already. >_<"
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