Looky, I found a Minstral Lalafell. I really can't wait until they introduce the Bard and Samurai classes. I am missing them already. xD
Haha I love these Lalafell twins. Dragging icky troublemakers by their heals and throwing them out of the door. xD
I've come to love Gridania. And being the little Conjurer that I am, I just have to visit the city often. Not to mention that you can level better in the Black Shroud than in the desert outside of Ul'dah, way more monsters to blast to smitherines. >:D
My weaver is now rank 10 and I've made a few hempen cowls. Unfortunately the market is so saturated by crafted stuff my stuff just won't sell. Crystals and materials can be costly for crafting gear, not to mention how long it takes to craft one of these cowls. But there are millions on sale right now and with prices dropping, it's not worth crafting them anymore atm. Low level items are on sale everywhere, but try and find a lv1-6 body piece, almost impossible. Every crafter is making the higher level cotton gear which most people cant use yet. *shrugs*
The storyline has been amazing so far though. Just my luck and I am stuck'aru in a giant intrigue in the city of Ul'dah. Seems these rumours of war with the Garlean Empire are making people's brains all fuzzy. O.O
Ul'dah really is a gorgeous city. ^__^/
Seems the nice cat-lady has adopted the poor orphaned girl whose father was crushed by the rampaging Gobbue. It's all so sad. ;_;
It seems that the girl's father came from one of the cities that were destroyed by the empire and he had valuable info, so little Buttons was sent to the creepy Thaumaturge guild to ask whether they could talk to the dead. O,..,O
The guildmaster sure has a nifty cloak, I'd like one of thise myself one day please. :3
Buttons was invited to the funeral and let me tell you, funerals are not the place for sensitive little Lalafell. ;___;
The place does have interesting decorations though. :o
The following day, Buttons decided the adventure'aru some more. Buttons found this outpost in the middle of the desert and decided to take a tiny rest.
Afterwards, this icky spider decided to eats me! Buttons was not amused! -.-
Concentrate, concentrate!
Looky, Buttons found a new friend, meet Mr Cactus! I tried to hug him but he poked me. ;__;
There is this amazing hidden temple in the desert, willed with moles and bogeys. :o I blasted them and explored a bit.
Busy Buttons is busy. Made so many hatses and gloves and none have sold...*sad Buttons*
Buttons decided that little Lalafell deserve a break, so a holiday in Limsa Lominsa was in order. Sitting on the wallses and staring at adventurers is fun, I just wish'aru I could understand them Pirates with the ARRR matey funny talk'aru. O.O"
Was time to head back home to Ul'dah. Was sleepy and fell asleep in the cabin. Thank goodness I was not robb'arud!
Looky at these funny trees!
I got back home and found this grandpa Lalafell. :O He has whiskers like a mousy. xD
Pointy hat! *magic magic*
I must'aru say I've been a lonely little Lalafell the last few days on Palamecia. The friends I joined the server for have been busy and not online at all. And not having a real linkshell, it's so quiet all day long. I was hoping someone would talk'aru to me at the camps or invite me to levequests but the citizens of Palamecia seem very secluded and don't reply to tells. ;__; If anyone on Palamecia wants to chat with a little Lalafell, don't be shy.
This little Lalafell has been shouting for help on his Dodo leve for a while but everyone was ignoring him. So I joined him and we had tons of fun, we almost died but Lalafell > Dodos!
Buttons been studying some dark arts.... >:3
Today I decided to go exploring in Gridania again, seeing as this little Lalafell has not seen the entire city yet. It's huge. :O
So glowy. *___*
Buttons is level 16 now with Rank 10 weaver, Rank 10 Conjurer and Rank 10 Thaumaturge. Gladiator is Rank 3 but the sword was too short and stubby, gimme a Samurai sword.
I hope I can level my Conjurer more this evening, just wish the skill-ups on mage classes were not so random, it feels sooo slow at the moment. :o
That's all for today. If anyone on Palamecia reads my blog, don't be shy and say hi. :D Catch'aru you guys next time. :)
1 comment:
Hi Buttons! My name is Kame Maru of Kashuan. ^^ I'm also a Lalafell of Ul'dah! :D
Aout Clothcraftaruing: The Grandmaster's Cloak is made of Velveteen, the highest of the levels of cloth. (I stumbled upon the recipe. it's 5 cotton thread for one sheet of cloth) and that style of cloak appears to be very mix and match when it comes to colour. Almost makes me wonder if the current ones are...
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