Saturday, November 1, 2008

Buttons started his own Blog!


I guess it's time to introduce myself. I'm Buttons, a little Tarutaru from the Server Caitsith, in Final Fantasy XI, that started his adventures a few months ago.
Tarutaru's are usually known as the little pointy eared, Yoda-looking (yet non-green) people running around Vanadiel and blowing up things with their magic or healing others. Well not this little Buttons!
I started my career as a Warrior with a tiny little axe and later went on to become a Samurai!

This Blog will be my personal little screenshot diary. Know this, Buttons is addicted to taking screenshots and I love posting them. So expect to see lots and lots of screenshots of my adventures in the wonderful world of Vanadiel.
I started posting my screenshots in a thread on the ffxiclopedia forums ever since I was a wee little Tarutaru. It contains pages and pages and pages and even more pages of screenshots. But I decided a blog might be a better option, seems a bit more organised.
Anyone who is interested to see how I started out and everything that has happened so far is welcome to take a look at my Screenshot Thread.

At the moment I am extremely busy with University, am studying Japanese as my major. But I will still try to play on the weekends and update my blog with more fun screenshots.
I would also like to post some of my older screenshots from my screenshot thread. So I'll post tidbits in due time that I think are interesting and worth seeing.

Enjoy the screenshots, I know I enjoy taking and looking at them. ^-^

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